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Hello everybody!!! Sorry I couldn`t write an email last week but hopefully the email this week is twice as good!! So the only new news in my life is that Elder Tapia and I are going to be staying in Gutierrez Zamora for another change!!!! So excited! We work so hard each and every day, so I'm excited to continue the work with him! I am Officially out of my TRAINING!!! I'm officially a real missionary now haha!! But yeah all is good!

We have a bunch of awesome investigators right now, the only thing is that most of our investigators are not married)=. So hopefully this change Elder Tapia and I can (play Cupid) and find a way for all of our investigators to get married!

The reason I didn't write last week is because the past two weeks I have been sick, but I have been getting better every day! 

Okay also, so here, in Mexico, September 16th is independence day. Everybody here gets a little crazy during holidays, which just means that everybody gets crazy drunk, so we have had some fetchin crazy encounters this week. 

Okay on to crazy and random facts:

1. My companion told me the other night that I say that I miss music like 3 times a day. And I think he's not exaggerating because I really do miss music 

2. Guerrero is the hardest work for me to say correctly in spanish 

3. The other day a random girl came up to Elder Tapia and I and asked for relationship advice lol. So we heard all about her relationship troubles, and our advice for her was to go to church haha=) Jesus is always the answer 

4. I heard that the Prez of Gutierrez Zamora is a Nark so that's good

5. So this week a new grocery store opened in GTZ and I swear the whole city shut down. Everybody just went to this grocery store and had a party. It was so weird, Like they had a DJ, A bunch of random girls dancing in skimpy outfits, super weird. Like the opening of this grocery store was like the biggest thing to happen in GTZ. But personally i like to buy my groceries in peace haha.

6. Crazy thing happened with a drunk guy infront of our house. So it was pretty late at night and we were coming home, saying Buenas Noches to everybody like we usually do when a guy stopped us and wanted to talk. He was talking about how he wants to change his life so I was giving him a little lesson about how the gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of change and right in the middle of this lesson he pulls out a knife and told me how he kills and robs people. Super sketch so we got out of there. But we went to this tienda before we went home and there i bought a Gatorade because I was sooo thirsty, but when we walked outside, he was waiting for us. To make a long story short, I ended up returning home without a gatorade lol. 

7.It rained a lot this week so the weather was soooo dope!!

But Yeah all is good here In GTZ. My spanish is definitely improving and I can now just sit down and talk about most things with pretty much anybody. I can understand most everything but talking is still a struggle at times! All in all, I have to say that all is good!

This week I had the opportunity to study the end of 2 Nephi and the first few chapters of Mosiah and man are they amazing! I love how simple and easy it is to understand the Book of Mormon! This week I want to talk about Jesus Christ, our lord and savior. He was the perfect example for all of us. Because of him and his sacrifice, we have the opportunity to return to our father in heaven! I have a couple of scriptures that really stuck out to me this week and I would like to share them! 

7 I say, that this is the man who receiveth salvation, through the atonement which was prepared from the foundation of the world for all mankind, which ever were since the fall of Adam, or who are, or who ever shall be, even unto the end of the world.

8 And this is the means whereby salvation cometh. And there is no other salvation save this which hath been spoken of; neither are there any conditions whereby man can be saved except the conditions which I have told you.

Salvation is not a cheap experience, we must work for it. Through the Atonement of Christ we can become perfected. WE CAN BECOME CLEAN! It is only through Christ that we can feel true joy and peace of mind in this life, and the life to come. As we follow the example of our savior and do the best we can each day, we can live a life of true happiness! And I'm not just saying that, I even have a scripture to back it up. (=

41 And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it. 

My challenge for you guys is to remember where true happiness comes from, because it is not from the things of this world. I also challenge you guys to remember Christ this week a little more than normal! I Promise as we focus our thoughts on our savior, life will be better! I also challenge those of you who have never read the Book of Mormon, to read it. It is true and I know this without a doubt! I know that Joseph Smith was called of God to restore the gospel of Jesus Christ! I know that this church is true and that we can be with our families forever!! =) 

Les amo mucho!! estoy muy agredecido por la oportunidad compartir mis pensimientos y mi sentimientos cada semana acerca de mi salvador y su iglesia. Por favor, recuerda recuerda sus muchas bediciones porque somos tan bendecidos!! Hasta Lunes

Elder Poulsen 

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