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Por medio de cosas pequeñas y sencillas

This week was sooooo crazy! Not really sure where to start and I really don´t have a lot of time, but here we go!

  1. So this week we baptized Alfredo, Luis, Franko y Lucy!! They are alll sooooo awesome and it has been such a blessing to see their lives change through their faith in Christ!

  2. I lost a bet so I had To Shave my legs. That is a story for a day when I have time to explain. jaja

  3. Before getting baptized, Franko y Luci got married this week!! It was so awesome to be able to be there and see them so happy.  They dont have much money and needed some help to get all of the documents ready for their wedding.  So, we volunteered to help them out.  The hard part really was searching for all of the paperwork required for people to be married here in Mexico.  Who would have thought that getting married would take so much paperwork?!  I guess I have a better sense of why so few people get married here. Also I had to pay for some false paperwork to help them get married, but hey that is a story for a different day.

  4. We Lost our house keys in a taxi.  But after searching diligently, later in the day we not only found the taxi, but the keys were still in it. =)

  5. Still miss white girls and music.

  6. When Franko got baptised, he got a bloody nose lol.

  7. La chamba loca nos llama cada dia=)

  8. Really, this week was crazy awesome!!  I love this time that I have to be a missionary and to be in the service of others.

Really quick I want to talk about something important that I learned this week. So for the past month, we have been working with Franko and Luci, and they have changed sooo much. But through them, I have seen that most of the time, the most important things in this life are the small and simple things.

Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise.

And the Lord God doth work by means to bring about his great and eternal purposes; and by very small means the Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth about the salvation of many souls.

For example. If you want to have a better marriage (I can give counsel  on this topic because as a missionary I feel like a Marriage counselor lol) You might think it is by doing big things. But all it really takes are small and simple things. When you focus on the little things, with time, you will see big differences. This applies with everything. If you want to get closer to christ, you have to do things such as pray, read the scriptures, and go to church. These that really are not that complex, but with time, bring big changes. Like if you want to be my best friend, it doesn't take much, just gotta send me an email ;-)

But I truly testify that through small and simple things, we can accomplish mucho! Les amo muchisimo!! Sé que la iglesia de Jesucristo de los santos de los ultimos dias es la iglesia verdadera aquí en la iglesia. Si quiere saber, solamente necesita hacer las cosas pequeñas y sencillas=)

Los vemos=)

Con Mucho Mucho amor,

Elder Poulsen

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