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Son chicos malos!!

Hey Everyone!!

I hope everyone is doing well!!  Big news this week is that my comp is teaching me all of the Phineas and Ferb songs in spanish! One song is called Son Chicos Malos and we are always singing it as we are walking haha.

We have so many people progressing and learning about the gospel of Jesus Christ. I honestly never thought that sharing the gospel could bring such happiness. I feel very lucky to be able to be here in Mexico learning more than I ever thought I could.

Random facts and happenings of this week:

- So in San Juan, everybody works in these places called Maquilas. In these places, they make clothes. So it is possible that the clothes that you are currently wearing are from Teziutlan. A couple investigators have taught me how to make some items as well, so that is pretty awesome

- Im teaching Elder Donoso how to play the Ukulele!

- We had about 6 different encounters with drunk people in the street, and almost all of them ended badly =)

- We eat chicken every day

- I am showering with hot water

- I miss white girls

- I bought a new pillow from a street vendor.  I do admit that the vendor was kinda sketchy, but when you need a pillow, you do what you gotta do

- WE Work sooo hard and it is sooo awesome! Promised some crazy awesome blessing to some investigators!

- We have a new investigator named Johnny who is big into cock fights.  I may have a cock fight or two in my future haha

- I am VERY happy!

So yeah, that's all I got!  I'm just out here on that grind and wouldn't rather be anywhere else.  Everyone, keep living your best life!

Con mucho mucho mucho amor,

Elder Poulsen

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