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A crazy week!!

Hello!!  I hope that you all are doing well!  I definitely miss you guys, but I wouldn't rather be anywhere else right now!  This past week has definitely been one for the books, and I can honestly say I had the craziest sunday of my life.

This week we had the opportunity to celebrate the Day of Kings, where you just have bread and hot chocolate haha. That was definitely something new for me and I decided that the combination of bread and hot chocolate is not something that I'll crave for a while.  Last Monday, I learned that some of our contacts have had  a problem with the mafia.  It was a misunderstanding, but the Narcos thought that a few of the contacts were selling drugs in their area, which is no bueno.  These people are very poor and I'm not certain why there was a disagreement, but to make a long and very deep short, all is good =) and nobody died!!  So this week was pretty awesome because we were able to bring 9 people to church. One of them ended up being totally drunk, so I spent my time at church helping him sober up haha. He ended up passing out so I had one of the guys from church take him to the carport at our apartment to let him sleep it off.  But the good thing after that craziness was that I had the opportunity to baptize Alejandro! He is such an awesome kid, I wish all of you could meet him. At only 14, he is such an example to me and to his whole family. Hopefully this next week, some other members of his family will follow his example and get baptized! Needless to say, Sunday was definitely one for the books!! We had zone conference and it was so awesome! To explain to those of you who don't know, a Mission is broken down into several Zones.  Within the Zones are Districts (usually 3-4) which are made up of companionships.  Every couple of months we have Zone Conferences to learn new things and to meet with the mission president.  It was great to see a lot of my other missionary buddies. I also got to play some football with some of the other missionaries and it was so much fun. My life has gotten so much better since I have gotten a football! Thanks MOM=)  But really this week was such an amazing week for me! I am doing great! I love speaking Spanish and really can't believe that it's just normal for me to speak in spanish. I feel that I am able to say just about anything that I need to, but I am going to continue to work hard to improve as much as I can. I want to say that I love you guys. Keep on smiling and getting that bread!  Don't forget to be grateful for running water because I found out this week that we use water for so many things, and that I have taken it for granted my whole life! The water supply has been short here and so they shut it down this past week.  I ended up going to the store and buying a lot of bottled water just to take a shower and brush my teeth.  It is crazy how lucky we are in the states!!  I am thankful to be a missionary and to be out here chillin with my people here in Poza Rica.  Remember that Jesus loves you. And GEAUX LSU!!! Elder Poulsen

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