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One Week Down

Hola everybody. I hope everything have been going well these past few days. 

Okay, so I am officially in Mexico, i have been now for the past ten days, I am still alive which, to me, is a blessing lol. Honestly, these past ten days have felt like 2 months. Everyday we get up at 6:30, go to breakfast, go to class, go eat lunch, go to class, go to dinner, study español, then go back to our house at 9. It is such a grind, but I know if i keep working hard the lord will bless me. 

I'm going to give a quick overview of the past ten days because a lot has happened. 

also, sorry if there are some grammar mistakes, the keyboards here are half English half Spanish so please bare with me.


This was my first day as a missionary. Got up at 3 and had to say some super hard goodbyes. also gave away my first Book of Mormon! When I got to Mexico, I was so happy to be met by somebody from the CCM and he brought me to a huge pile of missionaries standing in a circle. And because I love talking and it looked super awkward, I just started talking to everyone. It was kind of funny because most of the other missionaries were super shy, I just tried to make everybody my best friend. We got here, I got my stuff and met my companion. His name is Elder Rowley and he is the man.He is from Payson Utah and he is going to be serving in Pachuca Mexico which is right next to Xalapa. My District is also sooooo cool. so grateful for them. Somehow, me and a man named Estabon became homies. He is one of the chefs at the Comedor and hooks me and my companion up! To end the day, we got to listen to a talk from Elder Anderson about the atonement, which was amazing. Couldn't really sleep the first night because it so hot, so I usually just push up against my wall that is touching my bed because it's the only real way i get relief from the temp.


So this day was honestly one of the longest days of my life. I got kinda sick from somethings and have been a little sick ever since then but, as i like to say so very much, It be like that sometimes. Another cool thing was that i got to meet my mission president, but him and his wife do not speak English so it was tough trying to communicate. But I could feel their love for me! I met my maestros, Hermana Vasques and hermano Perez and they are soooo awesome. They mainly speak spanish so that pretty rough but it helps a lot, 


So i memorized the missionary purpose in espanol then passed it off. I love speaking Spanish, even though im not super good at it. Okay so I had my first run in with the CCM president, President Olson, and he said i couldn't wear my blue dress shoes for my whole mission and i can't wear floral ties in the CCM:( 

May 17

This was the first day that I actually slept well. A crazy thing that i have noticed is my ablilty to sit still during these long days. I Know that it is a tender mercy from the lord. If you know me, you know that it is rough for me to sit still, but here at the CCM, it has been easy, at least for the most part. I learned the difference between Ser and Estar and learned my favorite word, lamara which just means lamp but its fun to say. 


I gave my first blessing which was super cool! yo muy agredecido por el sacerdocio. Hermano Perez also does an amazing Patrick impersonation which es muy comico


So this was my first Domingo as a Missionary and it was really good, at least I think. Everything was in Spanish so I was soo very thankful that the branch president gave his talk in English because that was the only think i could really understand. I also received a blessing which was super super helpful. 


So today i woke up super super sick, like more sick than i had been in along time. My insides were killing me. But I just took some medicine and had to deal with it because, it be like that sometimes. I received a package from my family which was really needed. It had water and peanut butter, all that I could ever want or need. also gave my first lesson in Spanish to Vivian which was rough but i tried my best. had a run in with the CCM president again, but this time he asked me to change my hair. Which i thought was super weird but i did it anyways. 


My companion wanted to join the choir so i did that with him. We also got to hear from sister and brother Ramose from Mexico and they gave amazing talks. I got a couple things from their talks. First we should never compare ourselves, we should just do the best that we can. Second, Always keep working, you never know how close you end goal truly is. Third, I have been called on this mission to be successful with the skills that i have. I just need to be the best Elder Poulsen each and every day. 


So today i felt super discouraged about the language because it seems like everyone in my district is getting it alittle easier than i am. I had my second lesson with Vivian and still am struggling mucho with the language. But I just need to keep working hard and try my best. 

May 23

Okay so today has been super chill, woke up, worked out, ate breakfast, did laundry, and now i am here writing an email. You know in the beginning of the movie Tangled when he says something along the lines of, " Think of we have done today and it't only 8 in the morning, this is going to be a really good day." That's how I feel right now.

Okay sorry this email has been super long, I promise the rest won't be like this. But i want to share some funny stories. I Talk to everyone here and am friends with most people. My conversations usually go "Hola, como estan, mu fantastico gracias, hasta luego." lol so yeah that about it but im super good at greeting people. I am know as the Sí guy because even when i don't understand whats going on i just say Si. like yesterday i was talking to a worker here who had so dope sungalsses so i said, " Me gusta su Gafas." then he said a bunch of stuff that i didn't understand so i just kept saying Si. Like i was talking to him about Ciudad mexico and he was talking about how polluted it is, but i though he was talking about how beautiful it is. lol I have funny things like this happen to me all the time. 

Okay spiritual thought, and it is going to be on Faith and bear with patience our afflictions. So a mission is super super hard. I am stressed a lot and sometimes a think if i can even do this. But some scriptures that have hit me so hard are Alma 26:27  Doctrine and Covenants 84:88 and 1 Nephi 1:20. These scriptures helped me so much because it helps me realize that my heavenly father knows exactly what I am going through and is blessing me each and every day. I know that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Another scripture that has helped keep the faith is Alma 57:25-27. The stripling warriors had such great faith and knew that their heavenly father would preserve them. Even though each member of the army had received wounds, they did not doubt in their heavenly fathers power. And because of this unwavering faith, and to the great astonishment and joy of the whole army, not one soldier parish. I know that if i keep my faith in the lord and trust in him, he will preserve me as well. 

I love this gospel and I am soooooo incredible happy that i am officially a Missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am so grateful to put on my name tag each and every day, which let me rep my family name and my saviors name! el Envangelio es verdad!


Elder Poulsen 

Elder Polsen and Elder Teuscher (teammate from SVU)

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