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Another week in Gutierrez Zamora with Elder Tapia

Hey guys! I really dont have alot of time to write so i'm just going to get right into crazy things that happened this week

1- Well, this week was honestly a week of miracles! We taught so many lessons and have so many investigators who are progressing!

2- Elder Tapia and I are having such a good time! When we aren't teaching, we spend most of our time laughing... I just hope that he is laughing at my jokes and not my spanish jajaja. JK my spanish is all good!!

3- One awesome thing that Elder Tapia and I found this week is Coca-cola Energy! It is super good and gives us energy to get through the days!!

4- Chile Seco has destroyed my stomach haha! Like we eat some super spìcy stuff but I'm pretty sure my body is still adjusting=).

5- Idk if i have said this but i have to wash all of my cloths by hand and it is terrible😂 But hey it be like that sometimes!! Like it is so hard to get clothes like... clean haha. 

But yeah I had a super awesome week! However, one night I became a little discouraged, and I HATE that feeling! I just had the feeling that I should just open my scriptures, I did just that and the first scripture that I read was Alma 17 verse 11 and it says:

11 And the Lord said unto them also: Go forth among the Lamanites, thy brethren, and establish my word; yet ye shall be patient in long-suffering and afflictions, that ye may show forth good examples unto them in me, and I will make an instrument of thee in my hands unto the salvation of many souls.

This scripture ¨hit different¨ or just really hit me hard. I know I have been called by a prophet of God to serve here in Mexico and I know that with time, God will give me success. I love this gospel and I love the Book of Mormon! It is the most true book on this planet and contains the FULLNESS OF THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST. Read it!! Try it out! I promise it will change your life! Les amo!

Elder Poulsen 

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