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Coats in Mexico

Buenas Dias a todos!!

Hey guys! I am finally able to sit down and write an email from an internet cafe here in Teziutlan! This week has been so awesome, crazy and cold. I am used to crazy weeks but not cold weeks haha. Okay so this week we had Zone conference, and a Conference for Leaders here in the mission, so I was actually traveling a lot this week. The conference de líderes was so sweet! I got to see tons of my buddies here in the mission and also got to live it up in Xalapa! While I was there I ate McDonalds and KFC, the first time in who knows how long, haha. Also bought a coat and some sweaters so I can survive in my new area. Also, my companion is the man! We are so similar and love nothing more than working hard and we just get after it! We have tons of people progressing right now so that is so amazing!! We were in charge of the zone conference here so that was kinda different for me, but we ended up finding una hermana who made food for all of the missionaries. But the conferences went well! I gave a lesson on obedience and the importance of absolute obedience in life, but more importantly as a missionary. Since becoming a Zone Leader, I have seen that, unfortunately, there are so many lazy missionaries and I have found that when people are disobedient, they become lazy and they find ways to justify their actions.  It is a bad cycle for people to get stuck in and can have devastating effects in people's lives.  My goal is to help my zone to realize that being obedient is OK and that it will help them find success and happiness, more so than justifying anything otherwise. This week was also a week of miracles. Elder Donoso and I only got to work in our area for only a day and a half, but man did we get after it and we have seen so many miracles. I'm so excited for this week because we really don't have any conferences or other distractions for us to attend to, so we are going to be able to focus only on the WORK!!!!  I am so excited and have really come to understand that NOTHING is more rewarding than working as hard as I possibly can! Today we had such a sweet zone activity. A member here has a boxing club so we all went there for a little. After, we went to the church and got massages from a member in our ward.  Hey life is great. Love you all and miss you. I know this church is true!!  I love just working and speaking in exclusively in spanish.  My companion is the man and im so grateful for the opportunity that I have to work with him!  Have an amazing week and remember to treat others the way that you would like to be treated =)!  Talk to you guys next week!! Elder Poulsen

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