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First off I just want to give a shout out to my 310 boys! For some reason this week I talked a lot about college and my time during college and, freak, I was so lucky to have such an awesome group of guys with me!

But anyways! This week was a good week! Taught a couple bomb lessons with my man Elder Tapia! The first lesson we had this week was on Tuesday with Antonio the Attorney. He had us meet him at the nicest restaurant in town witch was so awesome! The scenery and the feel was so different, it was kinda like I was in Mexico for vacation haha. But it reminded me a little bit of Crave because this restaurant was right on the river, but then again it wasn’t that nice. We got an awesome table on the top floor outside because Antonio “knew a guy”!

So we got there at about 5 and didn’t leave till about 9 because this man just wanted to learn more and more! Funny thing that happened. So he lived in Tijuana for awhile and he has visited San Diego and we were just talking about how amazing San Diego. Then he was talking about a temple, so I just thought he was talking about the San Diego temple and I knew I had a picture of it in my wallet so I was like! Antonio, yo tengo un photo de esta templo, un momento. And when I went to get it, Elder Tapia looked at me and was like dude wrong temple. So supposedly he was talking about this satanic temple in San Diego and I just didn’t catch the first part. So it was probably a good thing I didn’t show that picture to give Antonio the wrong idea lol.

But yeah Wednesday we had an awesome lesson with Isabel (who is a dude) and Reina! So lived in Dallas for 20 years so I thought this was going to be an opportunity to speak some English... sadly they don’t know very much. But yeah we had a great lesson with them too!!

The rest of the week consisted of contacting and teaching but nothing big!

So now on to my favorite segment, Random Cosas!

1.  College was so hype. Such a good time

2. I’m going to live im San Diego one day

3. We have an area which is called Tecalutla and it is legit just a beach! So hype. But this week we went there and taught a lady who had like 6 Maui’s or the same type of dog we have at home! So I was missing my puppy during this lesson!

4. So one day while we were eating with a member he turned on a BASEBALL GAME!! So hype! And during a replay of the Yankee and Indians, saw a babe in the crowd! Gotta find this chick! Lol jk. But I miss white girls...have I mentioned that before??

5. So one day while we were heading home we decided to contact some more. It was kinda late and my brain was fried so we just stopped and started talking to this old couple. I was doing a lot of talking, gave them a card with our number and told them to call us if they needed anything. When we left my como said I totally messed up on the last part lol. I said si necisitamos ayuda nosotros podemos ayudarle. Lol so the conjugation for this is “if we need help, we can help you”lol so not exactly what I was going for but I hope they got the message

6. I’m pretty sure there are like 7 ways to say stop and I’m not quite sure which to use so if you know let me know.

Okay   I really dont have much time and i really just want to say that the Book of Mormon is real and contains the plentitude of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.   I may not know everything, but i know that God loves his children and wants the best for us. I know that families can be together forever and i know that  the plan of salvation is a plan of happiness! God speed! Con amor Elder Poulsen

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