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Yo Yo!! What is up guys! This past week went by so incredibly fast but it was sooo awesome! Shout out to Elder Tapia, my companion, who is just the man! We work so hard but have so much fun each and every day!

So this week, we had a lot of great experiences and opportunities to serve others. We also had interviews with The Prez, Zone conference, and also General Conference. It also rained a couple times this week, which is nice because it helps with the heat. The only time I don't like when it rains is during the night, because our roof is legit sheet metal so everytime it rains it is sooooo loud and impossible to sleep. But yeah i'm just going to transition to random facts (= 

1. Not sure if this is the same in the US, but here in Mexico, you have to pay for a spot in the grave. Like, we have a investigator who had not paid for his father's grave plot this past year so they threatened to ¨dig him up¨. so yeah super crazy but he ended up paying!

2. This week, all the electricity in Gutierrez Zamora went out! Was super super crazy but also super cool. Everyone went out into the calle and just chilled because without electricity and fans, houses get even hotter than usual. But during the night it was super cool because i could see so many stars! The electricity eventually came back on and we were able to sleep with our fans lol

3. So the word Alemania and maña are kinda similar but have wayyyy different meanings. Alemania means Germany and maña means mafia. So this week one of my investigators was talking about how bad mañas are and stuff like that. But in my mind I thought they were talking about Germans so I was sooo fetchin confused. I then asked why we don't like the Germans and everybody just laughed haha. 

4. Had mac and cheese yesterday! it is crazy the things that I miss!!

Conference was super good! I had to watch it in Spanish but hey all is good! I really enjoyed it, but this week i'm going to listen to the sessions in English and talk more about it next week! But it was super cool to watch it in Spanish. To think that 6 months ago I didn't know a lick of spanish and now I'm here watching General conference in Spanish, and understanding quite a bit, is pretty amazing!

Okay so this week I want to talk about faith and why it is so important in our lives. So every Monday I download talks then listen to them during the week when I have time. This week I listened to a talk the is titled ¨Be Not Afraid, Only Believe¨ by Jeffery R Holland. I learned that even though this life is full of trouble and fears, we need to trust in, and have faith in, our heavenly father and his perfect plan for us. As we take the LEAP of faith, God will help us along! But is soooo important for us to act with faith. As it has been said by the prophets, faith without works is dead, it is so important that we get up and try our faith.  

I have some awesome scriptures for you guys about faith!

D&C 6:36  Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.

Okay this first one is super straight forward. Christ has said that we have no reason to fear, only believe in every possible thing in our lives so I challenge you guys to doubt not, fear not, only believe!

Alma 5:12  And according to his faith there was a mighty change wrought in his heart. Behold I say unto you that this is all true.

Matthew 4:23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

So I was studying in Matthew this week and there was something that I loved about this last verse. In the Joseph Smith Translation we get a little more information regarding the action of Christ performing miracles. It reads, "And Jesus went about all Galilee teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom; and healing all manner of sickness, and all manner of diseases among the people which believed on his name. Christ's action doesn`t change, the only thing that changes is that there if an aspect of faith that needs to be involved in those who believe and have faith that miracles can happen through him.

During this life, we can not see our savior, we cannot see our father in heaven, but we need to have faith that they are there. In this life, we walk in faith, even when we have trials or when things don't go our way. Believe that God has a plan for you. Keep working, keep trusting, keep the faith! love you guys! have an awesome week! 

Les Amo, 

Elder Poulsen

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