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First bout of sickness...but certainly not the last. ;)

YO YO! I hope everybody had an amazing 4th of July! sadly, here in Mexico, they don´t celebrate the independence of the United States which is a bummer but i guess it be like that sometimes. But I was able to eat Papa Johns and Little Caesars so, for me, I guess I had a pretty American week! So this week was kinda rough because I got super sick. From Monday to Thursday I was in such a bad way. People though I had a Stomach infection but then they found an infection in my throat so yeah that kinda sucked but hey I'm alive so count that as a point for the good guys! My district leaders didn't let me go work Tuesday through Thursday because i was so sick which was such a bummer because i really just wanted to get out. This week we were able to talk to alot of new people and teach some lessons which absolutely makes my day! My Spanish is getting better and better each day. When we talk about the gospel, I can follow and talk alot about my feelings and other things of that nature! Its pretty cool! I know learning a new language takes time and patience, and lots and lots of work. I really don't have that much this week! Life is different here but good! I know that this is the lords church, i wouldn't give 2 years of my life to a cause that is fictitious. I know that Joseph Smith was called of God to restore the church a Christ in this dispensation! I know that our loving heavenly father gives us trails and hard times so we can grown and become better! He has also given us families to grow and feel the love that he has for us during this time! I love my family and am so incredibly grateful for them. I also know that God does not give us trails or tribulations that are too big or too

hard to overcome. We can do all things through our savior! If we look to him in all things, we can overcome and be happy in all things! Keep living your best lives and remember that each day is another day our heavenly father has given us to become better! los amo mucho!!!

Elder Poulsen

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