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Hola hola!! Como están mi amigos! First of all, i want to give a shout out to my boys Jason and Apolo who head out to the field, I know they are going to kill it! Life is crazy down here in Mexico but it just gets better and better each week! So a lot happend this week! first off, Rosí and Saraí are getting baptized this Sunday, and they want me to baptize them! So awesome! I have so much love for this family, they work so very hard. It is amazing how much this gospel can change someones life. I have been able to see first hand, expecially in hermana Rosí. She is a vender at the beach here in Tuxpan and works long hours almost each day. She has had alot of hard things happen in her life, and in general, her life is hard. When we intoduced this gospel to her she took it and ran with it! One of her favorite topics to talk about is trusting in God! In the past month she has seen so many miracles happen in her life as she trusts in Gods knowledge and his timing! I know that God has a perfect plan for his imperfect children. He loves us so much and wants to bless us in all things. But yeah, I have been so grateful for the opportunity to teach this family!

Okay so this week, i was able to spend a day with Elder Lopez from Honduras! (good news to my guy Apolo, the Spanish in Honduras is pretty similar to here in Mexico so we will have no problem communicating in Spanish)! Alamo was such and awesome place! la gente es muy muy amable!!! So i returned and taught alot of lessons this week. I am so grateful for how friendly the people here in Mexico are. Everyone i have come in contact with believes in God which makes things alot easier, and everyone is open to hear our message, if they have time. It is kind of funny because in almost every first lesson we have, the people usually just try and show us how much they know about the gospel of Jesus Christ so we here alot of testimonies! But it is always so awesome when we share our messages with them and see their understanding increase. They usually say ¨Wow that makes alot more sense¨. I really love teaching the restoration! I know that the church of Jesus Christ has been restored! Not reformed, not changed, but restored. The Church that Jesus Chrsit established here on the Earth is here again and i know this with all of my heart! This week I was able to teach a new member about Gods perfect plan for us, or the plan of salvation! This plan answers some pretty big questions like ¨Where did i come from, why am i here, and where am i going after this life.¨ This plan has brought me so much happiness and knowledge in this crazy world. God loves each one of us so much than he gave his only begotten son, That through our savior we may be able to return to our father in heaven! 

Okay random dope thing that happened to me this week! So I am with my zone leaders alot during the week and this week one of my zone leaders found something pretty cool, at least for me. He found an American quarter from SOUTH DAKOTA! sooooo crazy! I carry that quarter around with me always so i always have alittle bit of home with me! Also, if you are thinking about serving a mission or if you are about to, I highly recommend reading a talk by Elder Holland, The Miracle of a Mission!

So every morning we have personal study and I love it becasue i can work on my spanish and read my scriptures. One thing that i do each and every day when I finish my personal study is I close my scriptures then open them to a random page and just read a page, it I kid you not, that page always contains the words i need to hear. So i was struggling alittle bit and was pretty discouraged at the beginning of the week until i opened my scriptures and read Alma 26: 11 and 12. Dicé ¨ But Ammon said unto him: I do not boast in my own strength, nor in my own wisdom; but behold, my joy is full, yea, my heart is brim with joy, and i will rejoice in my God. Yeah, I know that i am nothing; as to my strength i am weak; therefore i will not boast of myself, BUT I WILL BOAST OF MY GOD, FOR IN HIS STRENGTH I CAN DO ALL THINGS; yea, behold, many miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever.¨

I Love this scripture so much! I know that these words are true, without God i am nothing! God is so loving and wants to bless us in all things, but we must first humble our selves and trust in him. Why would you put your trust in the man and their small amount of wisom when we can put our trust in god who has all power and all wisdom! This is the church of chirst and i know this without a doubt. God is so loving knows each one of us perfectly, he knows our wants and our desires. I am so grateful for the opportunity to teach the people of Mexico about this gospel. I know this gospel can change lives becasue it has changed mine. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of god and that the book has power. Through reading it, i know that our lives and our hearts can be changed. I am so grateful for my opportunity and my ability to serve. I love to all so much and I hope you have an amazing week! Always remember how blessed we are to have the lives that we do!

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