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Last email from the Mexico City CCM...

Hola mi amigos!!! as always I am living my best life out here in Mexico! I have learned so much, and have met so many amazing people!  so today I don't have much time to email pero aveces pasa! So yeah I am just going to give a super brief recap of my week. 

Also, I leave for Xalapa this Monday!! Soooo excited.

Okay so sorry but this week I can't do the daily happenings but I will still try and make you guys all laugh! Okay, so this week it rained so much. I don't know if I have said this already but the weather here is so weird. Like it will be so beautiful in the morning, but almost every day it will rain. And this week it rained so much! There were multiple times where me and a couple of buddies ran through the rain just for fun lol. This week i have also had such good brownies and cookies lol. I finished the Book of Mormon. I know that it is true, and through reading the book, my life has changed so much!!  GOOO BLUE! so proud of my Wolverines! seriously so dope that they are 2-0. Also, I heard about the trade with the lakers and the pelicans, so crazy. My Spanish has gotten so much better. I can talk and carry on conversations with almost all Latinos, but people from the Dominican Republic are impossible to understand. Elder Rowley and I had amazing lessons this week and it made me think back to my first week and how terrible my lessons and my Spanish used to be. But seriously this week was good! have just been going to class all day every day, working super super hard to understand the language! I also had the opportunity to go to the temple again today which was so amazing!!

So this week, my spiritual thought is from Mosiah 2 verse 41. "and moreover, i would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. for behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. o remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it." I find this scripture to be so true. True Joy comes from obedience to the laws and ordinances of God! I know that God has given this great amount of joy, it is because of him that I am living my best life. I am so grateful for this gospel the happiness it brings me. I can't wait to give the people of Xalapa the joy that comes with this gospel. Love you guys, keep living your best life!!


Elder Poulsen

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