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Let The Good Times Roll....

Another week has come and gone down here in Mexico! Seriously such a dope week for many different reasons! First of all, it was cloudy and kinda rainy all week!!! Sounds like a weird thing to be excited about but hey a mission changes you! Like what the heck, my favorite day is now Monday and I enjoy cloudy days! But yeah, and because of the clouds it was a lot cooler which made the work during the day a lot easier! But it’s so funny because right when the sun would come back out it would get so hot once again! But it do be like that sometimes! So during my we

eks here in Mexico, crazy thing usually happen to me and I have so many things I want to talk about but I always forget about them when I write my email, but this week I had the great idea that every time I got a random thought or something pretty cool happened I wrote it down in my agenda! So yeah get ready for that. Probably going to address those in a little bit!

So this week I got to be on divisions with Elder Torez from Chiapas Mexico! Kind of a goofy guy but he helped me a lot with tons of things! It was also Elder Lopez’s birthday so we got to go down to Alamo to celebrate! So I’m not really sure where people get them, but people where like random cloths from the US! Like you will see people reppin like random high school or colleges and I’m like where do you guys find this stuff! While I was in Alamo I saw a guy wearing a SDSU Jackrabbits shirt! Tried to take a picture with him but he wasn’t really down and he had to leave:/  but yeah I see the most random shirts! This week was another week of contacting because we don’t really have that many investigators. But we worked hard and found some new investigators! We had like 3 people come up to us this week which was pretty crazy. One mans name was Naum and he is seriously the man! So he lived in the US for a little so the man knows his English! So we are just walking down the street and he runs up to me and asks me where I’m from IN ENGLISH, which is so crazy because I rarely here English nowadays! So he teaches English here and he wants me to come help him out so I’m hyped for that! But yeah it was so awesome to hear some English! It just goes to show that when we work hard as missionaries, the lord puts people in our path!

Like I have said before, the comida aquí es muy rico(the food here is the bomb) like seriously! Like just a random taqueria here is the same, but probably better than La Juas! Kid you not!

Okay so these have been my random thoughts I have had during this week or just random facts 1. So the common greeting here is just your regular Buenos Dias, buenos tardes or buenos noches! But if your not sure which to use, you can just use buenos. 2. When people are talking about sports here they like never finish the name of the sport. Like “me gusta jugar basket” or “ jugar volley “ idk I just think it’s kinda funny 3. So sometimes when we are walking home at night, that starts are bomb, but fetch I miss the stars in lake Powell lol! 4. So I honestly think the most interesting stories I have are when we talk with drunk people which happens so much! I actually love it, I find it pretty fun! But yeah I get asked some fetch in crazy questions sometimes and people are so funny here when they are drunk and try to convey their feelings about the gospel and stuff like that! 5. So we take the bus or the taxi everyday for transportation, but usually the bus because it is mas barato! So every time we get on the bus you get a ticket with numbers on the top! All the missionaries here say if you get a ticket where the numbers add up to 21, it’s means you will have a “babe” or “shawty” who will want to “kick it” with you after your mission! The funny thing is it’s super hard to get this tickets and most of the missionaries here have like 2 or 3, but I have 5! #bagsecured 6. I miss movies and music but hey it be like that 7. Here, the toilets don’t really have water so you can’t flush. So I’m each bathroom there is usually this big tub of water where you fill up a bucket and just pour it into the toilet and it flushes, not sure how this works but it does lol. 8. I hear so much music when I’m just walkin down the street, and this week I heard despecito completely in Spanish and I think it’s better in Spanish! Spanish music is honestly so dope! 9. Don’t comment on people’s cloths while you are at church because if you say you like something of theirs they will probably give it to you. 10. Okay so they have some insanely hot salsa here but i have come to find out that usually the salsa verde is safe. So this week we were having some bomb tacos at a members house and they had some green salsa and it looked super good to i put it on all of my tacos. Come to find out it was super spicy so it was a grind trying to finish all of those tacos. I have learned you put your salsa on one taco at a time 11. So Rosí, the girl who we baptized last week, makes some bomb food. She has this belief that the more I eat spicy food, the better my Spanish will become so i have had some crazy spicy food. and the hard thing about the mission is you just got to eat everything given to you even if you are just soooo full. 12. So here the main meal is Lunch or Comida around 2 and that is practically our only meal during the day, besides the PBandJs. Okay so that’s about it lol! Sorry I have to share my random thoughts with somebody’s! But honestly so many crazy things happen to me each week it’s crazy! But this week I want to talk about why prayer is so important, and why we should take full advantage of the opportunity we have to talk with our Father in heaven! He knows all things and I know that he wants to bless us and help in all things, but it’s important to ask! I love teaching the principal of prayer to the people here, especially to the parents because I have a great way of teaching it, well at least I think. I just talk to them and about their relationship with their children. Then I would ask them how they would feel if one of their children just never wanted to communicate with you and they usually say they would feel pretty bad! It’s the same thing for us! Our heavenly wants us to talk to him, ask him our questions, ask for help, and all possible things! I know that when we pray, we grow closer to our father in heaven! I also know that if we have questions we can receive answers from a being who is all knowing! I’m so grateful for the opportunity to struggle, to teach, to learn, and to grow! I’m grateful for all things in this life because I know that everything I have is just a gift from my loving Heavenly Father! I know that the Book Of Mormon is the word of good and the most true book on this planet! I know that the Book Of Mormon has power, power to change our lives and change our hearts! Look for the good everyday! there is a line from a song in Moana that i really love. I just says ¨you can find happiness right where you are¨, so look for that happiness every day! life is good and we are so blessed. Les amo mucho! Estoy siempre viviendo mí mejor vida! Dios es muy amaroso y nosotros somos sus hijos! Tanga una Buena semana!!

Elder Poulsen

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