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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Merry Christmas everybody. I hope you have all had an amazing 24 and 25 of December. Honestly, it has felt like just another day here in Mexico. 

Also, Happy New Years everybody!! I Hope that 2020 is going to be a BOMB year, but, sadly, you won't be seeing me this year, so that might be a downer, but hey we will get through it. 

This was a normal week! I taught some bomb lessons, with the help of the spirit, had some awesome divisions with my district and also had a run in with the MAÑA or the cartel (not really sure). Needless to say, it was interesting.

Sorry these past few days I haven't really been writing down what I have been doing so I really can't remember what I did this past week! just know that I worked hard=) This week we had an amazing week. For the 5th week in a row, We have been on the "numbers of excellence" which just means we have been working super super hard and have been reaping the rewards of our hard work. It has been a bit challenging because my companion isn't the most "gung-ho" about working, but I have been dragging him around and making him work haha. 

Hilario had his baptism and it was really awesome to see. So his story really quick, he met with the missionaries about 10 years ago but then got a job, had to work Sundays and just couldn't go to church. One day we were just walking in the street after a super long day and he came up to us and said, "you missionaries are going to come teach me the gospel," so we did just that. As we taught him, we found that he has been struggling with alcohol addiction. But within 2 weeks he totally quit it. We challenged him to read the Book of Mormon everytime he had desires to drink. It was honestly such a miracle, I am so grateful that I was able to see the change of Hilario!

Another awesome thing that happened this week was that a member took my companion and I to a place that is similar to chuck e cheese, and wow was I in heaven. It was so weird, like there was a soda machine and I could pick what I wanted to eat. Not really sure but the whole experience just blew my mind. My days are like all the same so it is seriously so awesome when I have a day that is a little bit different. 

Freak 2020 is going to be a grind, but man am I going to grow so much!! 2019 was so incredibly fast. It is crazy to think that 2019 has already come and gone, and I know that it's going to be the same story for 2020! Honestly, this week has been just a normal week! just know that I love and miss you all! have an amazing week and celebrate a little extra for me this new years=) 

Just wanted to say really quick that I know that this is the true church here on the earth today.  I know that the lord's work is hard, but it is worth it. I read a poem that I absolutely loved.

I left my quiet harbor

In favor of another—I know not where.

But first,

there are seas to cross

and storms to brave.

How could I prefer the foreign deep

to the encircling arms of my bay?


some things

can only be learned

at sea.

Yes, my craft is watertight.

I can navigate the unknown,

And O, the wind that fills my sails

blows from home.

I know that there are some things that I can only learn here on the mission. But I just want everybody at home to know that you really do "fill my sails". The mission isn't the easiest thing, so I just wanted to say thank you for all the help=) I know that God has a perfect plan for us, and that trials and struggles are essential for our growth. I know that the Book of Mormon is true, it has changed my life, it has changed the lives of people like Hilario, and it can change yours! Read it, ponder its teachings, then ask God, our heavenly father, in the name of Jesus Christ if it is true. He will not lie. I love you guys so very much! Have an amazing week!

Hasta luego, 

Elder Poulsen 

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