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Nuevos, nuevos, y mas nuevos

Hello everyone!! 

Sorry for not writing last week, but I had so much to do and not enough time!! I hope you have all had an amazing week, because I sure have and gosh dang do, I love being a missionary. Life is good down here in Mexico!!  We are working so hard and have found so many people who are humble and who are looking for the truth in their lives.  They have been prepared and seem to be ready to hear our message about the gospel.

1. Okay, so the past two weeks I have been a little under the weather with a cold, but I tried not to let it slow me down. The only bad thing about my cold was that I lost my voice for about 4 days. This usually isn't that bad, but when you are a missionary, and your only job is to talk to people, it makes it a bit challenging without a voice.  My patience has been definitely tested haha. However, the good thing is that it has caused my "son" to step up and take on more of a leadership role, which has been good for him. I also had the opportunity to give 4 baptismal interviews, which was awesome, but was also a bit difficult without a voice haha.  2. So our calentador (water heater) broke down, but we got a new one!!  After my mission I will never take for granted a warm shower!! 3. One of our investigators had some trouble with her roof because it has been pretty windy in our area and her roof is made mostly of sheet metal, so she was scared that it was going to blow away. It was a blessing that neither my companion nor I got hurt because, man, it was super sketchy. This investigator is a little crazy and had us fix her roof in the most dangerous way possible haha. When we finished, she made us climb this tree to collect all of the oranges. It definitely was a funny and sketchy service activity. 4. I showed a kid in our ward a picture of my family and I and he didn't believe that it really was my family. He thought that my family was from the movies or something like that. The crazy thing was that it was just a normal photo. Just goes to show how nice we truly have it.

5. So every time that we take a taxi, I love to talk with the drivers about life and God and awesome stuff like that. This week I was talking with a driver and asked him what his name was, he responded with "Francisco."  I responded with the only reasonable answer,  "Francisco, that's fun to say."  Freak that made my day. It's the little things in life=) 6. Finished my 6th stick of chapstick.  I get it from my dad....=) 7. I have been thinking about how cool rollerblading is!! Why don't more people rollerblade??  I'd like to know what happened to that! 8. This week we were talking with some crazies haha. A couple of people were drunk, some were high, and others were just crazy but they were just asking us some deep questions and we were just answering them. To top it all off, when we ended, all of those guys ended with a toast to jesus. SALUD POR JESÚS!! 9. saw a cock fight (chickens). not going to go into detail about this one but, yeah....definitely something I won't forget!  So yeah all is good!! We have a lot of people that we are currently teaching and they are growing every day. A couple of them are also preparing for their baptism! I have seen so many miracles in the lives of people here in Mexico and it makes me so happy. We have been contacting like crazy and have been having a lot of success. Shout out to the famous AJ Reilly for the advice on how to dominate here in the mission! I know with all my heart that God had prepared people for me to find, the only thing that I have needed to do is just focus on finding them!!  Today I just wanted to talk about a couple of things that I do to help others understand the basics of this gospel. One way that I have found that works well with the people here in Mexico is to teach through Examples.  First, I want to explain the restoration of the Gospel. Almost everyone can agree that when Christ came to this earth, he established his church, and his church was perfect. Jesus was a prophet, the guide for the people of his time, he had 12 apostles who were given the authority to preach the gospel and the ability to perform saving ordinances, like baptism, and lastly, his church had the authority or the priesthood. But we know that with time, the people rejected Jesus and his apostles, and they were all martyred. when they died, the world lost the authority, 12 apostles and a prophet to guide the people. When explaining this, I like to use the example of a grand mirror. This represents the Church that Jesus established during his time here on the earth. But when Jesus and his apostles the world lost a living prophet, 12 apostles and the authority to work in the lord's name. Now think back to the mirror, when they died, the mirror fell and broke into many different pieces. It was then when people started to take pieces of the gospel that Jesus established. This is also why we have so many churches on the earth today, because many different people took parts of the mirror, but not church and all the pieces. Therefore, it was necessary for there to be a restoration of the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ or a restoration of all the parts of the mirror. I know with all my heart that the church which Jesus established when he was on the earth, has been restored perfectly. It has every piece of the mirror. I know this to be true and it speaks truth to my heart. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet, a prophet that our loving heavenly father called to restore his church. I know that we have a living prophet today, I also know that we have 12 apostles and the same authority that was present during the time of Christ.   I love this gospel with all of my heart. It has brought me so much joy and happiness, and I know that it has blessed my family in more ways than I know. I know that this is the true church, without a doubt, because I asked god, my heavenly father, the person who knows all and is never going to lie to me, if this church was really true. I have received my answer and it is why I am here preaching about his love every day. My promise to you guys is if you have questions, if you have doubts, turn to our Heavenly Father through prayer. I know that he will answer your prayers. If you don't  believe the words that I have said, I challenge you to ask God with faith that you will receive an answer, and you will. Con amor,  Elder Poulsen

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