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Primero cambio fue el mejor

Hola hola! So this was the last week of my first change and it was honestly so dope! So much happened and I grew so much each and everyday! Was so so so hot but I guess it be like that sometimes!!

So this week we had divisions with another companionship in Alamo so I spent 2 days in Alamo which is totally fine because Alamo is seriously so amazing! There are no hills and everything is kinda close so that is a huge plus! Was with Elder Torrez again and learned so much, he is such a good teacher and I’m so thankful for the time I was able to spend with him!

Okay so big news... I am being changed to Gutiérrez Zamora where it is equally hot but I will be like 5 minutes from the beach!! Super sad that I'm leaving Tuxpan and all the people I have gotten close with but I know this is where the lord needs me to be! It was also super sad because I was certain that I was going to be staying in Tuxpan, so this news came as a shock to me. I'm going to miss my investigators and the members of the ward here but I am so thankful for the time I was able to spend with them!

On another note, I have tons of crazy things that happened this week!

1. Got a hair cut! Lesson I learned from this, if you are going to go get a hair cut, it is probably a good idea to review words that one would probably use during a haircut! I’m pretty sure I just asked for a little of the top and more on the sides, next thing I know I have close to a buzz cut! But that’s the good thing about hair, it always grows back!

2. Taught tons of lessons! Tried my hardest to talk so much this week and my Spanish has grown so much!!

3. I bought a raisin canes hat that I saw at a random store!

4. Ate a lot of coconuts

5. Realized how good mangos truly are!

6. And two of the best pepitos ever this week! One that was vanilla(which if you know me, you know I was so hyped) and a mango flavored one!

7. Okay so I see tons of different people each day which means I see tons of different faces! Every week I see at least 3 people who are legit a Spanish look alike of someone I know! Pretty funny, but also pretty crazy because sometimes I actually think it’s someone I know!

8. So we teach tons of people and we have had awesome experiences with 4 people this week. Each one we asked how their lives have changed since we have started teaching them. Each one talked about feeling more joy, peace, comfort and how they love gaining more knowledge about the gospel of Jesus Christ! But the big answer for this week was this and I’m just going to translate it to English “since you guys started teaching me I have been able to sleep better”! So I guess that is the most important thing that i do out here! I help people sleep! But then again, that’s a good thing because sleep is always good!

9. Tons of drunk people in Mexico, and when they run out of money they usually take to the streets and ask for some money! this week a man came up to us and asked if we could give him money for another beer! We then had a short lesson about why alcohol probably isn’t the best thing to be drinking and agua es mejor! So we made a deal with him that we would go buy him a water if he would drink it so we did just that lol! Drunk people in Mexico make my life a little more exciting!

10. Tons of people when they see me run up to me and try and practice their English! It is pretty funny because usually all I get is “hello how are you!” I then answer and usually they give me the “I really don’t understand but I’m just going to nod” look! It's honestly so weird being one of the only Americans in a city! But seriously we are so lucky that we know English!

Okay now more of the random thought/ teach about life in Mexico:

1. Telenovelas are so big here! Like I’m pretty sure that everybody watches them. You walk into a house and the tv is on, there is a 90% chance it’s a telenovela

2. I miss white girls

3. When you see someone eating, you say provecho! People love that!

4. When describing food the usual saying, if the food is good, is “hermano/a su comida está muy rica!” Or when asked how the food is you say “muy rico”. Kinda funny though because every time I say that I think of the song Rico by drake lol

5. So people always comment on my eyes and my hair because people in Mexico never see blue eyes and brown hair! I had a girl this week tell me she was going to come steal them from me so if i come home blind you know why.

6. Horchata water is bomb!

7. People love Pan here! Some types of pan are so good but others I find super wack!

8. Driving is so crazy! Like they don’t have lines, drivers here fully embrace the motto “just send it”

9. You can seriously find anything you could possible want in the shops en el centro! It’s pretty funny!

10. Spanish music is so bomb!

11. My new nickname is “gringo”

Not sure if I’m going to keep this trend going but I kinda like it! So yeah life lesson of the week! But honest it is such a blessing that I can speak Spanish right now! I remember back in high school being soooooo terrible at Spanish! Like I totally remember sitting in class, probably learning about conjugations for irregular verbs, and thinking, “when am I ever possibly going to use this! Maybe like a trip or two when I visit Mexico but seriously why do I need to know this?” But look at me now! Got to speak to survive, and I guess when that happens a switch just flips in your head! But seriously I know that this is a gift from my loving Heavenly Father! I could not do this by myself, and I know this for a fact! The progress I have made is something I am so grateful for because now i can chat it up with the Latinos! If you know me, you know I love to talk, so not really being able to talk was killing me! I know I still have a long way to go but I am just so grateful for the Spanish that I have right now! It is through our lord and our savior that we can do all things and for that reason I will boast of him and his power!!

I really don't have much else. I just want everybody to know how much our father in heaven loves his children! He has a perfect plan for each and every one of us! He knows best and always gives us opportunities to grow! We Must trust in his plan, we must bear with patience our afflictions! About a 8 months ago I heard a quote and it has stuck with me every since then. it says ¨I am so grateful that my Heavenly Father has not given me what I want when I want it, because with time, he has given me so much more!¨ I know this is true! i know that as we live the laws and principles of the gospel, our lives and our hearts can change for the better!

I want to end with one of my favorite scriptures, ¨look unto me in every thought, doubt not, fear not!¨

Les amo mucho! have an amazing week!

Elder Poulsen

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