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Tengo gozo en mi alma hoy

Yo Yo Yo! Had a super eventful and fast week, which are the best weeks as a missionary lol!! You know the scene in the Sandlot where they come together and decide that it was too hot to play baseball so they decided to go swimming? Well, this scene plays in my head almost every day because, as Yeah Yeah says in the movie ¨Its soooo hot here¨. Like seriously it is so fetchin' hot and all I want to do is go swimming! maybe one day I will stop by the local pool, that is if they have one, and see if Wendy Peffercorn is the lifeguard here too! haha.

So this week started out super strong with The PREZ! The best thing about this is that they bring breakfast so we eat soooooo good!! Another big thing that happened this week was my comp and I made pancakes!! so fetchin good!! We also had zone conferences with all of the zones in the North part of the mission and it was super fun! I am now famous for being the missionary with the Gucci belt!!! So I think you can say I have left my mark on the Mexico Xalapa mission. But yeah, other than that we just taught a bunch of lessons and did normal missionary stuff in the CRAZY heat of Mexico. But I have had a bunch of random thought and crazy happenings from this week so let's get to that!

1.Every time I get the chance, I just stop for like 2 minutes and look at the stars! There aren't many street lights near our house so you can see tons of starts

2. I'm currently teaching Elder Tapia the ukulele when we have time!

3. Every time I have the opportunity, I take a nap. Be that in the bus for like 5 minutes or after lunch when I just put my head on the table and pass out really quick! but I think you guys get the idea, I fall asleep a lot, just never in lessons =), but I take full advantage of every opportunity I have! Like honestly, translating all day and having to walk from place to place in the heat really takes it out of me!

4. During my interview with he prez, he told me that my Spanish is doing super good and that I'm prolly going to Train in the next change. He also Planched or roasted me because my facial hair grows so fast haha! Not sure what happened but once I got to the mission, my facial hair started growing like 3 times faster than it did when I was at home! I guess it is just a blessing for when i get home, but for now its a curse haha!

5. People usually think just because we are Americans we don't understand Spanish! It's so weird. Like my comp can understand me fine but i feel like sometimes latinos see me and other white missionaries and just think they cant understand us.  

6. Found some pocket watches and almost got one!! I f you know, you know

7. Miss my mom's Quesadillas

8. My comp doesn't know who Will Ferrel is... and its kinda hard to explain without a phone

9. One day, I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner which is super rare here! Probably why I'm so skinny

10. Used the phrase Buena Vista like 10 times

11. Nobody can pronounce Poulsen here

12. There Are so many ants here and they keep getting into our drinking water so we are still trying to find the best way to keep them out haha

13. Last, but for sure the best story of the week. So we have this huge hill that we can take if we want to get to the other side of town super quick, But it is like a HUGE HILL. So we had to go give a blessing to an hermana and she lived on the other side of the hill. So we took it but when we finally got down my legs were shaking soooo much. To make a long story short, my legs were shaking hecka during the blessing!

This week i want to talk about faith. Why it is important and why we just need to trust in God for every possible thing in our lives. First I want to share two scriptures. The first is one of my favorites about the Army of Helaman. 

25 And it came to pass that there were two hundred, out of my two thousand and sixty, who had fainted because of the loss of blood; nevertheless, according to the goodness of God, and to our great astonishment, and also the joy of our whole army, there was not one soul of them who did perish; yea, and neither was there one soul among them who had not received many wounds.

26 And now, their preservation was astonishing to our whole army, yea, that they should be spared while there was a thousand of our brethren who were slain. And we do justly ascribe it to the miraculous power of God, because of their exceeding faith in that which they had been taught to believe—that there was a just God, and whosoever did not doubt, that they should be preserved by his marvelous power.

27 Now this was the faith of these of whom I have spoken; they are young, and their minds are firm, and they do put their trust in God continually.

I love these versus so very much! To Give so background, there was a big battle between the Lamanites and the Army of Helaman, But not one soldier died from the Army of Helaman. But, they all received many wounds. I think this can apply to life alot. Life is a battle each and everyday, it is hard. Sometimes we are going to receive many wounds but when we keep our trust and faith in our heavenly father who has all power, we will be preserved. I love the line in the second verse that says that they knew that it was the miraculous power of God that they were all preserved. It is important for us to be like these men and put or trust in the Lord continually. 

The next verse is from 1 Nephi and it says

17. And I said unto him: I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things.  

I know without a doubt in my mind that our father in heaven loves his children so much. He knows perfectly and gives us trials to help us grow in this life. Happiness is found in Christ, true happiness. As we live the way that Christ did and follow his example each and everyday, we can have joy in every aspect of this life, even in the hard time, and we can also have joy for eternity. I know that this church is true. Like I have said so many times, I wouldn't give two years of my life for a meaningless cause. I know that Joseph Smith was called of God and I know that the Book Of Mormon is evidence that Joseph Smith was a prophet and evidence that the church that Jesus Christ established during his time on the Earth has been restored with exactness. I Am thankful for my wonderful family and for the opportunity and knowledge that I have that I can be with my family for Eternity! 

Les Amo Mucho! Recuardan sus bendiciones! 

Elder Poulsen!

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