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The Power of Trials

This is going to be a quick email because honestly I don't have a lot of time but wanted to let you guys know about my week. 

To be honest, this has been one of the hardest weeks of my mission, mainly because of the new challenges that have been presented to me. Last Sunday, Elder Tapia and I arrived in Xalapa to meet our new companions.  Since both of our new companions are new missionaries, the ritual is that we go to the mission headquarters to pick them up and then go to our new area.  So, on Sunday, Elder Tapia and I spent our last day together riding on a bus to Xalapa.  SInce I was moving to a new area, I had to take all of my luggage with me.  Weird that I am in my third area in 5 months.  Anyways, it was great to hang with my boy Elder Tapia and reminisce on the amazing time that we had together.  We worked extremely hard, but I can say that I loved the past 3 months and have no regrets from my time in GTZ.  

On Monday, we met our new companions.  My companion (aka my "son", since I am his trainer) is Elder Duran and he is from Tijuana, Mexico.  He was wearing a Doxy tie and has a huge smile, and I knew he was my companion before the President even announced it haha.   After some introductions and some counsel from the Mission President, we were sent off to our new area, Poza Rica.  Since neither myself or my companion have been to Poza Rica, we were sent in to "whitewash" the area.  Whitewash means that neither of us know anything about our area, neither people or locations...nothing!  So, not only was I in a new area, whitewashing the area, this was my first week as senior companion, which is a pretty huge responsibility and one that felt incredibly inadequate about. To put a cherry on top, when I arrived here in Poza Rica I was told that I would be the District Leader. To say the least, I have been really pushed out of my comfort zone this week, but I feel that have grown so much and have been blessed with power from on high!  I have felt humbled, but also comforted.  I have felt stressed, but at peace.  I know that this will be similar to times I will experience in the future; when I will be called to step up, and the mantle of responsibility placed at my feet, the Lord will direct my ways and help me reach new heights that I never would have imagined to reach for.  For this comfort and knowledge, I am very grateful!!

So Elder Duran is cool is a freak at soccer and always smiling! Also, he is so excited to be a missionary and wants to work hard.  He is super obedient and willing to do anything I ask him to do.  It is a great situation, because I feel that we both are learning so much! We made several goals, a couple of which include, 1) Work Hard, 2) Be Obedient and 3) Be Happy.  Starting on Tuesday, we hit the ground running and in just a few days found about 20 new investigators.  The members of the ward are excited to have us here and they have already given us so many references that we still need to visit!  It has been a blessing to see the miracles that we have seen but sticking to our goals. 

One HUGE miracle that I witnessed this week came with my spanish. Because I am now the senior companion and I am a District leader, I have to do even more talking, and freak...did the Lord help me out!! Like every contact, every lesson, every lunch appointment, I was the one talking and it just felt completely normal.  Elder Duran it a bit shy, which has necessitated me being the lead in our conversations.  At first, I was very uncertain, but it turns out that I can understand just about everything and can speak like I never have before. I can feel the words being given to me in the very moment that I need them. Additionally, I have to call the members of my District every night and help them out with whatever they need assistance with.  I again felt very hesitant and concerned about my ability to be effective in this position, but have been able to do so with the help of the Lord!  I learned is that growth comes when we step out of our comfort zone, have faith and work hard!

So when we feel uncomfortable and have feelings of inadequacy or feel like we should turn back, stay the course and embrace it.  Because it is usually only after the trial of our faith that we will reap the supreme rewards!  God is good! This Church is true and having faith in the Lord offers power from above!!

Have an amazing week you guys! keep the faith=)

Elder Poulsen 

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