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Time to bust out the Ukulele

Updated: Jun 13, 2019

What's up guys!

Another week out here in paradise. Spanish is still super rough but I'm working hard each and every day to further understand the language. I have seriously learned so much and I grow each and every day! This week was such a grind but the past two days have been soooo amazing!


Okay,so the first day of June! 21 days till I turn 20 which so crazy but it does be like that sometimes! Was super super tired this whole day but that usually happens the day after P day. So in our class, we play this game called Latino where you just can't speak English and if you do, you lose a life. I lost all 5 of my lives in one day which might be a new world record but I blame it on my love for talking and also my lack of Spanish lol. So because i lost, i had to wear this tag that said:"No hablo Ingles" which just meant that nobody could talk to me in English lol. 


So we had another amazing Sunday here at the CCM. I had the opportunity to bear my testimony to all the new elders in our zone about faith. It was so very awesome! I also was reminded of how important work truly is in this life. There is a quote about work in Preach my Gospel and it is so amazing. "I have often said one of the greatest secrets of missionary work is work! if a missionary works, he will get the spirit; if he gets the spirit, he will teach by the Spirit; and if he teaches by the Spirit, he will touch the hearts of the people and he will be happy. Work, work, work. There is no satisfactory substitute, especially in missionary work." -President Ezra Taft Benson.  The spirit is so important to me. "by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things." Elder Rowley and I also had the opportunity to teach a class about the plan of salvation and it went so well! Also got to conduct the Sunday night devotional. It was an awesome devotional about the Holy Ghost and the power that he has! If we have the spirit. we can be instruments in the Lord's hands.


Today was one of the rough days. Spanish is rough and sometimes it is hard to keep the faith. But whenever I feel this way, I always receive this overwhelming feeling of peace that I will be able to do this. I memorized Moroni 10 verse 3 in Espanol so that is super super sweet! 

My night got way better when I decided to pull out my ukulele and play it! when i started playing it, all the guys in my casa ran to our door and asked me to play a bunch of songs. It was seriously such a fun time!


Today was my first day of pronix which means that I have a Latino companion for the whole day! it was pretty rough but my Spanish got sooo much better from this experience. Elder Valasco was my companion for the day and he spoke like no English. he also Just kept asking me if he could use my iPad to go on facebook lol. So in the morning, I planned this awesome lesson that we were going to teach later on that day, and I swear I went through the lesson plan like 4 times. Elder Valasco was kind of in his own little world the whole day. When we got to the lesson, I talked was the one talking for the whole beginning part, but after my first point, he just started talking and wouldn't stop. I kept looking at him and was like bro, let me talk, but he just kept going. He stopped for like 3 seconds so I got to bare my testimony which was actually pretty good. After the lesson, he was explaining to the investigator that I didn't speak great Spanish and that is why he didn't let me talk lol. It be like that i guess. But he told me after that my Spanish was pretty good so I didn't know what to think lol. But my teacher told me I will probably be fluent in about 2 months which is crazy to think about! But after this day, i was happy to get Elder Rowley back.


today was so amazing. I just woke up soooo happy! people around the CCM usually call my smiley because no matter what the time or no matter the circumstances, I have a huge smile! Elder Rowley and I gave an awesome lesson today about Alma 34 and i even got to share a story that my mom sent me earlier that day! My favorite thing is saying high to all the white dots. So we were sitting in the computer lab doing so Spanish stuff and i just saw a bunch of new missionaries and i walked outside and said super loudly. "bienvenido". It was super funny at the time and I do this like all the time! I also had the opportunity to read Doctrine and Covenants  6 verse 14 and it hit different!! A quote also that i heard today which i want to try and live by is this. " Act in such a way, that people who don't know Christ, want to know him, because they know you!" I love this gospel and the happiness it truly brings me!


So today Is my P day and I had the opportunity to go to the Mexico City Temple which was so so so very awesome! The spirit was so strong at the temple and it was just so amazing! Like its hard for to describe in words how much it was needed and how much peace and happiness it brought me!

Okay so just some thoughts. But first here are some songs that have been stuck in my head. another day in paradise, black and yellow, sunflower, let me down easy, honeybee, girl like you, we will rock you, killer queen, the theme song from pink panther, piano man, the pirates of the Caribbean theme song and probably a lot more but I just can't think of the rest. Also, i am so excited to head out to Xalapa on the 24. haven't met a single missionary who is going there but also I have not heard a bad thing about it. Well actually I heard there is a lot of witchcraft stuff so I guess you could say I am excited to get my palm read lol! 

Okay spiritual thought time! so the scripture for today is Moroni 10 verse 32 and I think i will just write the whole verse out. "yea, come unto Christ and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind, and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God." I absolutely love this scripture because it gives us so much insight. Christ is waiting with arms stretched wide, wanting us to come unto him and receive that happiness, peace, comfort, and joy that only he can give. I also like how I love how it talks about grace and how his grace is sufficient. No matter what we are doing or what we have done, if we turn to Christ with a desire to become better, we will become better. I love my savior so much. He loved us so much that he gave his life for every person who has lived or who will ever live. I know that my life has been changed through Christ. He knows each of us personally and knows exactly how to help us in every situation we may find ourselves in. I am grateful that I get to represent him and his church each and every day.


Elder Poulsen

Zack at the Mexico City Temple

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