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Two Weeks Down and Espanõl is HARD

Updated: Jun 13, 2019

Hey guys!

This week has definitely been the best so far! I speak Spanish alllllll day long which is good but pretty rough sometimes! so as effectively as possible I will try and explain all the different events of this past week!


So Elder Holland came to the CCM and it was seriously one of the best experiences of my life! we had to wear suits all day which was pretty rough because it is soooo very hot here almost everyday but i wasn't to worried because my man Elder Holland was coming. For those of you who don't know who Elder Holland is, he is one of the members of the quorum of the twelve apostles, and he always gives such amazing talks. He speaks with sooooo much power and he just says things how they are. I have like three pages of notes from when he came so I will try to focus on the most important points. first, he talked about how almost all the good things that have transpired in his life, can be traced back to his mission. from things that he learned, to the people he met, but mainly he was grateful for the person he became because of his mission.he also talked about how important it is to give 100% and not hold back in regards to serving a mission. He then said some very very profound things which i absolutely loved! Missionary work is hard because salvation is not easy. We are at war, but not a war with guns and soldiers, but with words and souls. Satan is trying his hardest to pull down everybody on this planet, but it is important that we stay strong and say "not today Satan" lol. He then read a poem that went something like this. " Come to the edge, he said. No, i will fall, i responded. Come to the edge, he said again. No, i will fall. He then said, please come to the edge. I did as he said, not knowing what was going to happen next, he pushed me, and i flew." This poem can be for almost every situation in our life. we must put our trust in our heavenly father because he always knows best. Elder Holland then ended with his testimony and it was soooo very powerful! 


So I decided to fast with elder Rowley and it was seriously the best thing that we could do. It was rough because they had quesadilla's for lunch lol but it be like that sometime. Ever since i ended my fast, my spanish has gotten so much better. it sounds kinda weird but its true. Fasting is so important and i know that the lord blesses us so much when we fast. We ended our fast before dinner and we seriously had the best dinner yet. You might think that we had some type of Mexican food but no, I seriously had the best hot dogs ever, here at the CCM. Who would have thought.


So I don't know if i have said this but i am the district leader of my district. The name is pretty self explanatory. It was honestly such an awesome Sunday, and for lunch we had the icecream bars that were soooo good because i really miss ice cream. Had to say bye to a district in our zone, Elder Teuscher, Elder Bake, Elder Hale, and Elder Zarate(who doesn't speak any español, but we were still mejor amigos) super sad but i know they are all going to do so awesome.


So now adays, Elder Rowley and I teach every day, and each lesson my Spanish gets better and better! After almost every lesson i have this overwhelming peace that I will be able to speak this language, and i know that this is true. Also, Alma 36 verse 3 is sooo amazing! and also verse 24 and 25 and 27, and basically the whole chapter lol. Also, today is the lowest amount of missionaries that will be here at the CCM at a total of about 173.


So today we got 180 new missionaries lol. So many "white dots" as we like to call them. It was pretty hectic going from knowing everybody and there not being a lot of people to the exact opposite. I Saw Elder Adam's and also Hermana Jackson which was super cool. Okay so rough thing about so many new people coming is that there are tons of new girls lol. most of them are pretty attractive but I "keep my blinder one" as i like to say. I love talking to all the white dots in Spanish because it makes me feel so cool, then i go back to my Spanish class or talk to some Latinos and i am again humbled lol. But now worries from E.P. Also we were asking all the new people what was going on in the world, like the NBA playoff and all the sort of Jazz (lol punny). pretty sad the the Buck lost but it be like that sometimes. 


Okay so i didn't write much this day, just noticed that there were cute girls and how my Spanish gets better each and every day. Oh and we taught Joesph a lesson and it went pretty good! also got to meet all the new missionaries in our Zone! also, just want to emphasis im not focused on girls, I'm focused on the work, i just know i probably wont see attractive girls for the next 2 years so i got to take what i cant get while I can lol. just doing Zack things 


So today we had to teach Lupita but didn't really know what to teach so we decided just to teach the same lesson we taught Joesph(spelled weird i know and also is pronounced Ho-seph). So we get in an start teaching about faith and repentance and the atonement. But we ended up teaching about the book of mormon and how much it has effected our lives. The spirit was so strong and we spoke with mucho fuerza even in our broken Spanish. But a funny story about the lesson. So the lesson prior, we asked her to read this little booklit about the gospel of Jesus Christ. We started off our lesson by asking her if she had any questions and she said only one questions. " que es albedrío" and me and Elder Rowley had no clue what albedrio was. so we just took a guess and thought it was agency and to our luck we were right. But that is the joy of learning Spanish on the go! another funny story. so at the end of the lesson, we planned on asking Lupita to pray but elder said "por favor puedo un orar" instead of " por favor puede un orar" but not knowing this we just waited for her to pray but then she looked at elder Rowley when he was going to start praying lol. But, it be like that sometimes. Also because we speak Spanish all the time and i don't know many words, i just try to make them up as i go. So the other day i was trying to say how i was embarrassed about messing up on my Spanish and said embarazada. But it turns out that i said that im pregnant lol. also today I lost my magnet tag and looked everywhere for it but it turned out to be connected to one of my sweaters that i wore the day prior so yeah thats pretty funny. 

So yeah this is my life. Today i was supposed to go to immagration to get my visa lengthened but mine wasn't ready so while most of my district is at immagration, im on splits with Elder gobel! but siempre está bien!

random thoughts of the week. So each day as a missionary you wear pretty much the same things so we have a joke in our casa as we are getting dressed, and its from the Bee movie lol. one day i was looking through my cloths and said "yellow, black, yellow, black, yellow, black ooo black and yellow, changing it up a bit. Muy chistoso, si. and also each day i get songs stuck in my head so i decided to write most of them down. and they will be some of the most random songs so be ready. We are Santa's elves from Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. 99 red balloons. Umbrella. Sunflower. remember me, brown eyed girl, drink in my hand, party in the USA, I want to get better.the longest time. and hey Jude, 

Okay spiritual thought time! sorry this is such a long email im just super bored on P day and IDK what else to do. 

so something that i love talking about during my lessons is Christ. His name has so much power. That i have loved since I have been here on my mission is 2 Nephi 25 verse 26. it says" and we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins." I love my savior sooo very much. Through him i become better each and every day. He knows every little thing that we have ever gone through or will ever go through. He was sent by our father in heaven to give unto men the perfect example and to die so that we may be able to return to our heavenly father. yo sé que el envangelio y el libro de mormon es verdadero. Yo sé que a través nuestro salvador, estaremos limpios y recibiremos mucho felizidad y pas y consuelo. yo tengo un verdad sacerdocio! estoy muy agradecido por mi familia y la opportunidad soy un missionario! los amo a todos. digo estat cosas en el nobre de jesucristo amen.


Elder Poulsen

Elder Rowley is Zack's companion while he is in the Mexico CCM.  He is from Spanish Fork, Utah
Zack and his companion, Elder Rowley

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