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Túxpan is where things begin...

WOW! alot has happened this week, but I guess it really be like that some times lol! So I am currently in Tuxpan Veracruz and it is so hot and humid here!!! I really understand about 30 percent of what goes on around but also it be like that sometimes. This week was really hard! But, the first week is hard for everyone so that just means that my hardest week is already behind me! My companion´s name is Elder Saldaña and her is from Mexico! he speaks some English so he helps me when I have questions concerning spanish and other things. So I am in the slums of Tuxpan and it is super super humbling. But the people here are just so unbelievable happy! it just shows that happiness does not come from external things. But yeah so Im just going to give a review of my week.

So i celebrated my BDAY in the CCM. It was seriosuly so amazing. So my teachers plannd this huge thing for me. So everyone pretended like they forgot so i was pretty sad becasue i really thought that everyone had really forgot. But it turns out that they had planned a suprise party for me with a bunch of people and brownies lol! living my best life! So I left Mexico City with 5 other latinos who didnt speak any english. We all hopped on a Bus and headed to Xalapa! So these buses are super popular in Mexico! People use bus for almost all of their transportation, and on each trip there is a movie playing, and on my first bus trip of my mission, we watch Baywatch lol. I fell asleep for the whole thing but still pretty funny. So my mission President is soooo dope! he has such a sweet house and has a Jordan shoe collection. So i was paired with elder Saldaña and we went to a members house like we usually do. But on my first taxi ride here in Mexico, i forgot my backpack with my wallet, scriptures, passport, and a bunch more very important stuff! But shout out to my companion who got the information of our driver so I ended up getting my bag back. 

So the next day we hopped on the bus and had a 7 hour bus ride to Tuxpan! we showed up and it was sooo hot. I stepped of the bus and i just started sweating! So Me and my companion hang out with our zone leaders, Elder Duke and Elder Garity each day and they are so dope! 

Seriously I love the people. They work so hard in all things. The houses here are so crazy. They are mainly just little shacks with sheet metal roofs, with dirt floors. It is so eye opening. Also there are dogs everywhere!! and the dogs are kinda ugly. I had the opportunity to teach alot this week and we have my first baptizm in about 2 weeks! A mission is hard, but salvation is not an easy thing to acomplish! It is important to look unto christ in all things! he has expereinced all thing and knows how to help us. When we feel like we are alone, or that we can make it through a hard trail, lean on our savior! I am so grateful for our saviors personal and everlasting atonement. Miss you all! Don´t take you lives for granted, becasue we have it soo soo good! Keep the faith and keep living your best life!

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