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Hola Hola!!

It was such a great week out here in Gutierrez Zamora! My Spanish has been improving each day and it is such a blessing!! This week just consisted of tonsssss of work and tons of finding!! Elder Tapia wanted me to be the Mejor Missionary this week so I planned all of our days and was the main person talking in each contact and in each lesson! was super super awesome! But really nothing new really happened, but I did have some funny things happen to me this week!

1. One time when we were walking to the Ciudad, a taxi driver just stopped and said ¨get that gringo out of the heat, hop in¨, so yeah we got a free taxi ride! When were in the taxi I was talking with the taxista just about stuff. I said the my name was Elder Poulsen and he replied ¨Albert Einsten¨, I thought it was so funny and I just replied no but close haha.

2. One day while we were eating, the family just wanted to learn English. One of the kids asked me what the significance of Shot was. I was so confused then he was like ¨You know like the song, shot shot shot shot shot shot.¨ Haha so I just explained what a shot of alcohol was haha. They also wanted to know how to pronounce Grand Theft Auto. So as you can see, I'm teaching the people of Mexico the most important words in English

3. Taught a family which consisted of a 20 year old husband and wife and a 2 year old. I was like fetch bro that could be me. It was so crazy honestly. 

4. We had a meal with a family this week that didn't have any utensils, so we just used Tortillas haha!

5. I visited the beach!!

6. There is a huge festival for Motorcycles, not really sure why but yeah. I currently have the weirdest desire to drive a motorcycle

But seriously, life is so good!! I'm just Grinding everyday. I really do miss watching college football though, but hey sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven. These past few weeks, I have been trying to teach mainly out of the Book Of Mormon and I have seen such a difference. Our Lessons seems to be more powerful and people can feel the spirit easier. I know that the Book of Mormon contains the plenitude of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I ask each and every person to read the Book of Mormon and to pray about is meaning. I promise that the Book of Mormon has the power to change our lives. It also contains so many answers! I was talking to a recent convert the other day and he was saying how the Book of Mormon is seriously a book of answers. I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon and for the knowledge it has brought me in my life. This Gospel is true, Our savior lives, and through our savior we can do all things. 

Les amo!!

Elder Poulsen 

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