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Week 4 in Túxpan de Rodriguez

Hola hola!! This week was a good one down here in Mexico! A lot happened which was super awesome! But first I want to start off by saying this, I really think that I haven’t appreciated PB&J’s to the extent that I should have before my mission! They are literally the bomb! And honestly peanut butter in General is so good! I think everyday I just wake up and have a spoonful of peanut butter haha! Okay so this week we had a zone conference with 4 other zones! It was super awesome because I got to meet tons of other gringos and revived tons of advice on how to become a better missionary in all possible aspects! We also ended up having hot dogs and ice cream, two things that I have missed alot so when you travel here you usually take these buses called ADO’s and they have movies and songs that you can watch and listen during your ride! Out mission president has given us the ok up listen and watch during our travels so that was so dope! Got to watch sing and half way through the ride Sweet Home Alabama came on which was so hype! This week we spent a lot of time contacting but didn’t find many new investigators:/ but it be like that sometimes! This week I had so amazing food! Honestly real Mexican food is soooo much better then anything we have in the US! The tortillas are so bomb and people eat them like crazy here. I can almost guarantee that at every meal that I have had there have been tortillas on the table! Also kind of crazy thing, I’m pretty sure chips and salsa is just an American thing because first of all, it is super rare to find tortilla chips and second, if you’re having salsa it’s like some crazy spicy stuff. So it might just be here in Túxpan but I’m starting to believe that chips and salsa isn’t really a thing for the common Mexican here in Mexico. So yesterday was a super super amazing day! First of all, I had the opportunity to baptize Rosí and Saraí! It was seriously such an amazing experience. Like after the baptism Saraí and Rosí couldn’t stop smiling and honestly I couldn’t either! Such and awesome experience! Baptism is one of the most important things we can do while on this Earth! But most important thing when dealing with baptism is authority! It is

to be baptized by the authority of God! Through baptism we can become clean, like completely clean! It is also important to remember how important the sacrament is each week! It is an opportunity for us to renew our baptismal covenants and become clean again because we all make mistakes. Like I said in my last email, God has a perfect plan for his imperfect children! My Spanish is coming along, little by little! Although I would love to be able to understand everything and talk perfectly right now, it just doesn’t work like that! I think it is the same concept when dealing with hard trails in our lives! Sometimes we just want to be delivered through our hard times but I’m starting to learn that in these moments, we grow the most!We must keep the faith, trust our  Heavenly Father and work hard! Patience is a virtue, and though it is hard to be patient most times, good things come to those that wait! Alright guys that’s my message for you! Go have a better week this week then you did last week! Miss and love you all so much! God Speed Elder Poulsen

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